Thursday, May 25, 2006

Nysgerrighed og lyst til at lege som drivkraft for børns kulturcentre

Vi ved alle, at børn er gode til at lege! Men vore børn er ualmindeligt lærenemme og nysgerrige!!Det bevises hver dag på Experimentarium.Oplæg ved seminar om Fremtidens Interaktive Børnebibliotek 2. maj ved Asger Høeg, Direktør, Experimentarium. Oplæg PDF-fil

Børn bruger børnebiblioteket på en anden måde end tidligere!

Oplæg ved seminar 2. maj om Fremtidens interaktive børnebibliotek ved Lotte Nyboe, Adjunkt, ph.d. Institut for Litteratur, Kultur og Medier, Syddansk Universitet
Oplæg FDP-fil

Nye formidlingsstrategiernøglen til udvikling af børnebiblioteket og bibliotekarprofilen

Olæg ved seminar 2. maj ved Bente Buchhave, Freelance konsulent
Oplæg PDF-fil

Når biblioteker og forskningsinstitutioner leger sammen

Oplæg fra seminar 2. maj om Fremtidens interaktive Børnebibliotek/ Andreas Lykke-Olesen, arkitekt, ph.d.-studerende, InteractiveSpaces,Institut for design, Arkitektskolen Aarhus & Jannik Mulvad, bibliotekar,IT-konsulent og Idé- udvikler, Århus Kommunes BibliotekerOplæg PDF-fil

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

FutureLab 2 maj 2006

Ved seminar 2 maj om Fremtidens Børnebibliotek stod InteractiveSpaces og Hovedbiblioteket for et FutureLab.
Formålet var at få de ca. 100 deltagere til at bidrage med ideer til innovation af biblioteksopgaverne for børn. Der kom nye ideer om:
- Biblioteks-mall (med micro-brewery, teater, film, musik, vaskeri, og powershopping)
- ungdomsbibliotek styret af unge og ingen bibliotekarer
- ”The Wall ”(hvor man kan komponere musik, skrive, male og kommunikere globalt)
- børnenes agora uden pc-ere og med computere bygget ind i møbler og vægge
- det globale børnebibliotek med webIII-rum, hvor børn kan møde børn fra hele kloden,
- Børne-ranto – det fleksible biblioteksrum, hvor børn er meddesignere
Se opsamlingen fra de 10 Futureteams her.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Children's Interactive Library

The Children's Interactive Library
The exhibition consisted of items from a number of countries. It was a mix of prototypes, recycling arts, "customer-made" installations and commercial news. Through this mix of reality and future we wished to encourage debate and inspiration in order to endorse the development of the children’s library. The Exhibition ran from the 24th of April – 6th of May. User comments and suggestions as well as observations will be included in the final report of the project "The Children’s Interactive Library" – being published in Autumn 2006.
Exhibition Catalogue

Presentation: New Communication Strategy – push as well as pull strategies

Consultant Ms. Bente Buchhave

Professor Roy Langer describes a communication strategy as containing push as well as pull strategies. Particularly the last dimension challenges traditional thinking and is perhaps essential for the library in order to be seen as appropriate and relevant in its own time.


Presentation: Children’s Rights, access to information and IFLA’s Guidelinesfor Library Services for Children and Young Adults

Consultant Ms. Ingrid Bon, Biblioservice Gelderland and secretary of Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults of IFLA

For all who are concerned with children and young adults, the United Nations Convention on The Rights of the Child offers support in library policy and practice. Libraries, and especially children’s libraries should have as its goal "to advocate for the children’s right to information, according to the United Nations’ Convent on Children’s Rights".From that point of view it is only a small step to a specific Health Information Point for children. In a new approach some library and information students, supported by specialists on health information and children, work together in this project. Their task is to develop both a physical and digital access point with health information for children.And last but not least, the international library community (via IFLA Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults) has developed the Guidelines for libraries for children and young adults, to provide all libraries with some tools to improve the international standard of library services.


Presentation: The Library of a 100 Talents; towards a new concept for children's libraries

Head of Children's Department Ms. Marijke Troelstra, Amsterdam Public Library and Library Consultant Ms. Karen Bertrams, ProBiblio, The Netherlands

The information society is changing. The way children look for information and the way they use information is changing.
The question is whether we as libraries are also keeping pace with the change and if so; is it in the right direction and in what way are we involving children – with their different talents - in this proces ?
Marijke Troelstra will give the highlights of the project of The library of 100 talents and talk about her plans for Amsterdam. Her collegue Karen Bertrams ( Heerhugowaard Public Library ) will talk about her experiences in translating the theory into pratice.
She workes with groups of children getting them involved in the new concept for the new children's library in Heerhugowaard

PDF-Presentation Marijke Troelstra
PDF-Presentation Karen Bertrams

Presentation: The Children's Interactive Library – prototypes and netWORKing

Project manager Mr. Peter Gall Krogh, Interactive Spaces andProject manager Mr. Jannik Mulvad, Aarhus Public Libraries


Presentation: ImaginOn; Envisioning the future of library spaces and experiences for youth

Youth Services Director Ms Melanie Huggins, Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County.

ImaginOn With the October 2005 opening of ImaginOn: The Joe & Joan Martin Center, the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County has taken some exciting risks in creating a new model of library services for youth. With the goal of creating a destination for families that provides both the quality materials and exceptional customer service libraries are known for, PLCMC now shares a facility with the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte. The partners share the mission to "bring stories to life" which has shaped everything from architecture to interactive exhibits to staffing. Melanie Huggins will share the philosophies that guided the development of this partnership and the lesson learned thus far.


Presentation: Libraries for a knowledge society: a bottom-up perspective

Professor Ms. Kirsten Drotner, University of Southern Denmark

Children are key to the strategic development of tomorrow’s librariesbecause children exercise multimodal competencies that are of vitalimportance to future library provision in democratic societies.Based on empirical analyses of children’s library uses, key questionsto be answered are as follows: how do children use library servicesto negotiate virtual and real-life engagements? How do libraryuses relate to children’s everyday media appropriations?What are the chances and challenges for libraries posed by children’smultimodal uses?


Presentation: New Strategies for Children's Libraries

Director Mr. Jens Thorhauge, Danish National Library Authority

Download presentation as PDF